Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thing #11

I've created my LibraryThing account and have added 27 titles of either recently read books or favorite titles throughout the years. I haven't added any childrens books yet, but will be adding my favorites at a later time. I couldn't figure out how to link from LibraryThing to my blog, so this part of the exercise is not complete. If I am able to figure this out later, I will go back in and do the linking at another time.

I really like the capabilities of LibraryThing and the way each user can create their own library catalog of books read or even of books I would like to read at some point. I do plan on using this site even after completing Library 2.0/23 Things.

1 comment:

IrmBrown said...

Interesting how many people are on Library Thing this week. You're halfway... you'll be fine. I love Library Thing by the way... if I just had a few more hours...